02 February 2009

I'm the Daddy Now

So, you know when there's a song, and for whatever reason you or someone you know might play it on repeat, non-stop, until you want to kill them or yourself? It can be any kind of song, sad, happy, political, animalistic. And maybe you only play this song for yourself. Or perhaps you play it for the whole office, as a sort of torture device.

Well, our fearless leader, who we'll call "Foti" has decided to rebirth an old, erm, 'classic'(?), introducing it to our current generation of Muteants who weren't around to experience it the first time.

Back in good old 2002, the Sonic Mook Experiment released their second compilation album, with this very fine cover art:


One of the classiest songs on this full of class CD is by Joan of Ass (the classiest band name going), it's called 'I'm the Daddy Now'. Don't be surprised if you find yourself singing it later.


Don't say we didn't change your life today, even a little bit.

1 comment:

  1. There is also an alternate cover featuring a female model. I prefer that one, myself.
